How Smartphones Have Transformed the Way We Travel

Smartphones have definitely changed our lives. For better or worse, that’s up to you. On a whim we can look up appointments, check emails, and call people. Smartphones have changed how we do certain things and have definitely changed how we live our lives. For one, smartphones have transformed the way we travel. With easy access to the internet because of the smartphone, the possibilities have become endless.
The Power of Infographics

We are visual creatures. When we see something good it tends to grab our attention. The majority of us are visual learners, at around 65%. Therefore, it makes sense that visuals are an important part of your marketing strategy. Infographics are visual with the intent of teaching you something.
Social Selling: Drive Sales By Building Trust

Social selling is the art of using social networks to find, connect with, understand, and nurture sales prospects. It’s the modern way to develop meaningful relationships with potential customers that keep you in mind; so when they are ready to buy they will think of you.
4 Tips for Creating an Authentic Social Media Presence

Authentic. It seems like such an overused word. However, it is relevant in the arena of social media. It can make the difference from being stagnant on social media to making connections with an interested audience.
Move Over Millennials. Welcome Generation C

Millennials aren’t the only people interacting and embracing new technologies or engaging on social media. So why do we act like they are? Move over millennials. Generation C is the new target. As their numbers are still unclear, their growth is obvious. Therefore, how we interact with them will be important.
Who Are They?
Generation C can be referred to as the connected consumer. However, it depends on who you talk to. Generation C is anyone who integrates technology into their daily routine, regardless of age. It’s all about how people use and interact with technology. It can be anything from them being active on social media, to living on their smartphones, to the use of smart appliances. It’s all about the mindset of embracing these technologies as a part of their everyday lives.
With high speed internet and smart devices, Gen C is everywhere. Any generation can be apart of it. Many millennials, Gen Xers, Gen Yers, and even Baby Boomers are part of this generation. Think of it as those who are constantly engaging with digital media.
Why This is Important for You and How to Reach Them.
Generation C lives on digital media. If you thought millennials were hard to reach, Gen C is even harder. Because they live online they are bombarded with tons of messages. If it doesn’t catch their attention then they won’t interact or engage with it. Your goal has to be to catch their attention. Therefore, content has to be visually appealing, useful, and highly entertaining. So creating content that is extremely appealing, adds value, all while being entertaining – this will be your next challenge.
Traditional approaches just don’t cut it. Generation C uses their smart devices to engage and participate. They don’t merely passively consume media. For Gen C it is an active process. They want to be part of an experience. Therefore, being personal is important. Commenting and responding will be more important than ever.
At Captevrix we offer solutions that can benefit you and your business. Anything from solutions in social media, websites, inbound marketing, and even review management, we are sure to have a solution that is right for you. Schedule your free consultation today to learn more about how we can work together.
How Social Media is Changing SEO

SEO is important. It is so important in fact that 66% of marketers agree that it is their top priority. A recent Infographic from HubSpot tells how social media is changing SEO.
Here are the key points that will be important when considering SEO and social media.
Why You Should Be Blogging for Your Resort

Blogging. It sounds so easy, but as a resort manager I’m sure you can think of a hundred other things you could be doing besides blogging. However, did you know that blogging can actually help you increase your bookings? It’s a simple idea really, but often not done because of time constraints or because there is a lack of understanding of the true power blogging can have on your resort.
5 Social Media Post Ideas for Your Vacation Rental

As a vacation rental manager you know how important social media is to the success of your vacation rental. You know the importance of being consistent and you know that scheduling your posts can help you. But what do you do when you sit down to schedule posts for the month and your mind just hits a blank?
Will you be tracking Santa?

As Santa will be here very soon, it is fun to see exactly what he is doing and where he is at any given moment. It adds to the whole Christmas experience, especially for the kids. Santa trackers are a fun way for you to spend time with your kids this Christmas. They will love watching the magic unfold before their eyes. Aside from Santa trackers there are also other magical sites that will prove the existence of Santa.
Vacation Rental Managers: Are you catering to Millennials?

With the ever changing industry of vacation rentals it is important to keep up with the newest trends and target those following those trends. Millennials, those born between 1981 and 1997 are currently the largest living generation. They know how to work technology and identify themselves as being travel experts. Recently they seem to be leading in the trend of choosing vacation rentals over traditional hotels. They are doing so at higher rate than any other generation according to recent survey done by Hipmunk.