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Twitter News: The Tightening of the Tweets

a cup of coffee and an iphone on a table

Social media platforms are reigning in the amounts of duplicate information being shared across their platforms. Just this week, Twitter announced it will be implementing stricter control on users exploiting bulk-tweeting tools and automation. The purpose behind these stricter regulations is to reduce the amount of duplicate or false information being spread by multiple accounts. Bulk tweeting is a group of identical tweets which have been scheduled in advance and sent by numerous accounts, or one tweet which is retweeted by many other accounts.

Facebook Is Changing Again

a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table

Here we go again with the Facebook page changes. No matter what you do online, something will change. This is why I tell interns, “if you don’t like constant change or challenges then marketing is not for you.”

What I’ve Learned From 2017: A Marketing Review

a desktop computer sitting on top of a desk

It’s official. 2017 has come to a close and 2018 has started with a bang! The new year starts with new marketing plans, new sales goals, and what we want to accomplish in the new year. Do we set these items in motion blindly? Do we pull ideas and numbers out of a hat? Of course not. We start by reflecting on last year and years past.

What Are You Thankful For?

a card with the words what are you grateful for?

Just like everyone else, the Captevrix team is excited to have a long weekend or short work week, however you choose to look at it. We also look forward to all the various holiday celebrations and filling our bellies with turkey and goodies. But as a team, we like to take moment and talk about what each of us is thankful for.

TripAdvisor Issues Warning Badges

a web page with the name and number of the website

You may have recently heard about TripAdvisor getting into a bit of hot water when they removed claims of sexual assault on its travel forums . Don’t get the forums confused with reviews as this is not seen directly in a feed or once you click on particular property.

What is Contextual Marketing?

what is conceptual marketing?

I am often asked about many various types of marketing and one of them happens to be Contextual Marketing. So of course my thoughts were, “Why not write a blog about it?”

Twitter is Not Dead: 2017 Twitter Trends

a cup of coffee and a cell phone on a table

Despite what you may think, the death of Twitter does not seem to be in the near future. 2017 seems to be the year it will pick up. Even though they did shut down Vine and reduced their work staff, they have renewed emphasis on live news and events – keeping up with other social platforms.

Using Video To Help Your Vacation Rental Get More Bookings

a person holding up a tablet with an image on it

Video is seen as a very important marketing tool for 2017 and the coming years. According to Martech , video will make up 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2020. There is a shifting focus on making video more valuable as a marketing tool. We no longer care about the number of views unless the views will result in actual leads. So having millions of views isn’t the goal. The goal of video is to attract the right people and add value to them.

What The Hashtag!

a photo collage of different food items on a plate

Love it or hate it, Social Media is here to stay. Speaking with various restaurateurs I often hear, “I don’t need to be on Twitter. I don’t tweet.” Just because you don’t enjoy the twittersphere, doesn’t mean your guests don’t either.