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What Are You Thankful For?
a card with the words what are you grateful for?

Just like everyone else, the Captevrix team is excited to have a long weekend or short work week, however you choose to look at it. We also look forward to all the various holiday celebrations and filling our bellies with turkey and goodies. But as a team, we like to take moment and talk about what each of us is thankful for. After all, that is what Thanksgiving is all about.

As we sit around the table year after year, I take this time to get to know my team little better. This time I decided that all of our current and future clients, as well as future team members, should get to know them too.

Aaron is Thankful For:

Most of you know him as the go-to guy for everything technical and as the man that directs all of us at Captevrix. When asked what he was thankful for his reply was, “I’m thankful for a staff that always makes me look good. They are dependable and do their best to be the best at what they do. Personally, I am thankful for my family, our military and of course, Makers!” Many of our male clients that have discussions with Aaron will get the humor in his last thankful thought.

Sonja is Thankful For:

Most of you know me as the go-to-gal for all things strategy. I’m also the one that says, “Keep an open mind,” when it comes to her unique approaches to campaigns. Of course, the team likes to then ask me what I’m thankful for because I have to play the game too, right? “I’m thankful for so many things. My family, our military, and the fact that my daughter who is serving in the United States Air Force, will be coming home for Thanksgiving this year. I’m also thankful for the new relationships I have developed over the past year with some amazing new clients and the relationships I continue to foster for those that have been with us forever. Of course, I am thankful for a staff that always strives to do more and adhere to our core beliefs which is problem solving and providing an amazing experience. One last thing, I am thankful that a great friend introduced me to Black Mesa wines.”

Courtney is Thankful For:

A lot of you are getting to know Courtney these days. She is one of the team members that makes a lot of things happen. I would be pretty lost without her and love how she always wants to take on more! When I asked her what she was thankful for, she replied with, “I’m thankful for the friends and family that have been by my side during the challenges, as well as to celebrate the successes of this year. I’m thankful for all the new opportunities presented to me during 2017 and I’m hopeful for the doors that will open in 2018. I’m thankful to have found a career where I can continue to grow. And of course, I’m thankful for chicken nuggets, FAU football having a winning season, and Starbucks Coffee.”

Jennifer is Thankful For:

A few of you are getting to know Jennifer as she is writing some of your blogs, as well as other copywriting that is needed. If there is one thing I can say about her is that there isn’t a challenge she won’t try to tackle. When I asked Jennifer what she was thankful for, this was her reply, “I’m thankful for every single moment of life…the ups for the smiles and the soul rejuvenation….the downs for growth and personal development…and the mundane for learning to appreciate the special things in life. 🙂 Seeing my son transition from childhood into adulthood makes me realize how precious every single day can be.” She tends to get carried away in her wording as you can tell and can be a very deep person. Another great thing I love about this woman.  

Maria is Thankful For:

Many of you should know Maria by now as she has probably written a blog, a white paper and possibly a case study for you, depending on what your needs are. She never turns down a challenge and does her job with amazing heart!!! I asked Maria what she was thankful for and this is what she told me, “I’m thankful for the gift of life and for my family and friends, who are always there for me. I’m thankful for many other wonderful people and strangers, who are nice to me without any reason. I’m also thankful for Thanksgiving Day, which is a constant reminder of all the blessings that we have in our lives, blessings that we should never take for granted.”

Diana is Thankful For:

Most of you don’t know Diana, as she fills in design work here and there for the Captevrix team. She works primarily with me. When I asked Diana what she was thankful for she replied, “I am thankful for an amazing family, friends and wonderful job.”

Walter is Thankful For:

Not a lot of our clients have had the chance to meet Walter unless you have had a virtual tour done on the East Coast, but I have a feeling that many of you will in the near future. When asked what he was thankful for, he replied with, “I am thankful for a lot of things, but what stands out the most is how Aaron trusted me enough to give me an opportunity to work at Captevrix. Secondly, I am thankful for the staff being patient and helping me through this transition.”

Kaitlyn is Thankful For:

Most of you know Kaitlyn as the go-to-gal for your website or whatever needs designing. When asked what Kaitlyn was thankful for her reply was, “I am thankful for a loving God, a loving husband and family, and an amazing community of friends.”

As you can see our team is thankful for many things, but in case it wasn’t mentioned in their quick, on the spot word of thanks, they are always thankful for working with folks like you. Without you, there wouldn’t be a Captevrix. You make Captevrix what it is today. Thank you for the blissful eight years you have given us and we look forward to many more!

Cheers to all of our successes!

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