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Twitter is Not Dead: 2017 Twitter Trends
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Despite what you may think, the death of Twitter does not seem to be in the near future. 2017 seems to be the year it will pick up. Even though they did shut down Vine and reduced their work staff, they have renewed emphasis on live news and events – keeping up with other social platforms.

So how do you use Twitter to better your advantage with these changes? A few experts spoke with Social Media Examiner about the changes of Twitter and what it means for your business.  The changes in Twitter simply mean you have to change the way you use it.

These key Twitter trends will prove useful to your social media marketing strategy as we continue our journey through 2017. See what the experts had to say.

  • Humanization is Key. Andrew Pickering and Peter Gartland share with Social Media Examiner that they believe this will be a key strategy for marketers who want to be successful on Twitter. Basically it’s all about stopping the one way communication. Instead, use Twitter as a tool to make connections and have real time conversations. It is suggested to not use so much automation. Don’t just schedule tweets for the week then never check back in. You will want to check back in to see who is interacting with your tweets and engage with those people. Also stop stuffing your tweets with too many hashtags. Yes it’s ok to use hashtags, but don’t go overboard. People are typically on Twitter to share content and make connections rather than be bombarded with a ton of marketing messages.
  • A Tool for Making Connections. Erik Fisher of Social Media Examiner says that Twitter can still be used to drive traffic, but is becoming even more effective as a connection tool. He suggests steering away from automations and focusing on tweeting less, but when you do tweet make sure it’s with high quality. The goal of your tweets should be to connect and create engagement.
  • A Content Destination.  Brian Peters also spoke with Social Media Examiner about the future of Twitter. He believes that marketers need to switch to the mindset of using Twitter to create more reach and engagement rather than just driving traffic. As stated by Fisher, quality over quantity. There will be a greater focus on growing your organic reach.

To summarize, Twitter is leaning heavily on you being interactive. The days of automation are over. You can’t just schedule it, leave it, and expect results. There is a real effort that has to go into your Twitter strategy. Creating real connections should be an overall goal.

Do you need help with your social media strategy? The experts at Captevrix can help you create and implement an effective social media strategy based upon your businesses needs. Are you interested in working together? Schedule a FREE consultation to discuss the solutions that are right for you!

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