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What Makes A Good CTA?

a man holding an old computer with the words what makes a good cat?

If you are familiar with any kind of marketing then you are familiar with what a CTA (Call To Action) is and the importance of having a good one. However, you also know that creating a good CTA is often easier said than done.

Mobile Marketing Opportunities for Vacation Rentals

a person holding a cell phone in their hand

Mobile is here to stay. Many of you are already taking advantage of mobile, but are you taking advantage of all the opportunities out there? There are many opportunities when it comes to mobile marketing.

Fostering a Community of Loyal Fans to Your Brand

three girls walking down a street with the words, fostering a community of loyal fans to

Community. We know what it means. It is a group of people with common interests interacting with each other. When it comes to marketing it is important to create connections and build meaningful relationships. You don’t merely want people to sit and watch. You want voluntary interaction and engagement.

Generation X: The Case of the Overlooked Generation

a group of people standing next to each other

Marketing to Generation X has been a challenge for marketers. Why is this? Let’s go over a little background on Generation X. Gen Xers are those born between 1965 to 1981. They are called ‘the middle child’ because they are between the Boomers and Millennials. This has caused them to be largely neglected mostly because marketers don’t know how to reach them.

How To Conquer Your Online Reviews

a pointer with a thumb up icon on it

You’ve heard the stats about the impact online reviews has on a business, but let me state them one more time. 90% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase and about 80% of these people trust online reviews more than their family and friends. That’s a lot of trust, if you ask me. So, online reviews can have a major impact on your business. The question is where do you start? We are here to help. There is no need to panic. After you read this you will be able to conquer your online reviews like a pro.

Using Video To Help Your Vacation Rental Get More Bookings

a person holding up a tablet with an image on it

Video is seen as a very important marketing tool for 2017 and the coming years. According to Martech , video will make up 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2020. There is a shifting focus on making video more valuable as a marketing tool. We no longer care about the number of views unless the views will result in actual leads. So having millions of views isn’t the goal. The goal of video is to attract the right people and add value to them.

How to Tell a Story About Your Brand That People Want to Hear

a woman sitting on the ground reading a book

Storytelling has long been a part of us as humans. We tell stories everyday, typically seeking some kind of emotional response. So why should our online storytelling be any different? As our marketing efforts are shifting more and more online it is important to harness our storytelling skills for the web, especially on your social media. Using storytelling as a branding tool will help your online presence seem more human and give your visitors a more valuable experience.

How Smartphones Have Transformed the Way We Travel

a man and woman looking at a cell phone

Smartphones have definitely changed our lives. For better or worse, that’s up to you. On a whim we can look up appointments, check emails, and call people. Smartphones have changed how we do certain things and have definitely changed how we live our lives. For one, smartphones have transformed the way we travel. With easy access to the internet because of the smartphone, the possibilities have become endless.

The Power of Infographics

the power of info graphics logo

We are visual creatures. When we see something good it tends to grab our attention. The majority of us are visual learners, at around 65%. Therefore, it makes sense that visuals are an important part of your marketing strategy. Infographics are visual with the intent of teaching you something.

Social Selling: Drive Sales By Building Trust

a notepad with the words social selling drive sales by building trust

Social selling is the art of using social networks to find, connect with, understand, and nurture sales prospects. It’s the modern way to develop meaningful relationships with potential customers that keep you in mind; so when they are ready to buy they will think of you.