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What’s New With Blogging?
you want to rank for?

Blogging is kind of like a diet- everyone talks about it but no one wants to do it. It’s true unless you’re me; I don’t mind writing blogs especially about what I’m passionate about!!! So let’s talk about what’s the latest blogging techniques.

The latest change, as in the past year, is this neat little thing called Anchor pages. The concept is not really that new for some of us, but for those of you that are still learning, I’m going to tell you all about it.

Anchor page is what I like to refer to as my “Main Focus.” This main post or page normally encompasses key items for my download that is being promoted for that campaign. To learn more about an awesome inbound campaign strategy, click here.

After reviewing my content marketing plan, I ensure that my supporting blog posts connect back to the main blog, or core page aka anchor page. To put this in perspective, I created a graphic for you. Always make sure you are linking back to your main blog – Google will thank you for it.

Sorry to disappoint as you can see it’s nothing too complicated. Blogging is really getting easier in my opinion. As you might have noticed I always write in the first person and in a conversational tone. Remember, blogging is part of your brand, and our brand is all about relationships and getting the job done.

In case you are doing a checklist for your own blogging style or techniques, here are a few things I’ve noticed that some folks are still doing that are outdated.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword overload . You’d have to really pay attention to find out what my keyword is in my blog and it isn’t the word blog. That is way too hard to rank for!  Simply write what you know about and your keywords will flow. No need to count like we used to and sound awkward in our blog post. Today’s blogging technique is so much easier in my professional opinion!  

Where to Host Your Blog

Blog location. For some reason, some SEO folks have told folks that it’s ok to host your blog off of your site? Now, why would you do that? Hosting your blog on your website not only generates pages for you to increase your Google juice but it’s a core page that adds tremendous SEO value. Don’t confuse this with a sub domain. That is something completely different. 

Bolding Keywords

Bolding a ton of words! It used to be that you wanted to bold and italicize all your keywords. It doesn’t hurt to bold maybe once, but a ton of bold words on your post just looks silly. I have also seen folks not only bolding a lot of words but also underlining . Why are they doing this? So go easy on the extras, it isn’t really doing anything.

If there’s more exciting new news about blogging, yours truly will probably blog about it.  

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