Creating Content [Where Do I Begin?]

Inbound marketing focuses on utilizing content to bring customers to you: Demand generation. But how do you write content? Whether you’re writing content for your own company or putting together blogs on the side for a supplemental income, one of the greatest obstacles writers in today’s marketplace face is overcoming the boredom of writing copy when you feel like you don’t know what to write about or how to make it interesting.
A Match Made in Heaven – Inbound Marketing and Your Franchise Business

Franchise business owners and marketers know there’s a lot that goes into running the business – and even more that goes into franchise marketing.
How To Build an Offer for Your Vacation Rental Inbound Marketing Campaign

An offer’s goal is to make someone crave what you offer so much that they are willing to give you personal information or click on another CTA (Call To Action) in order to obtain your offer. How do you build an offer for your vacation rental inbound marketing campaign that will not only entice site visitors to part with the information you desire, but leave them salivating for more information from you?
Tools You Need For A Successful Inbound Marketing Campaign

There are numerous inbound marketing tools out on the market for businesses of all sizes and budgets. There are so many tools, that one may get overwhelmed just trying to decide the best technology to use for your industry and size of business. No amount of technology can make up for bad strategy, but having the right tools for your inbound marketing campaign can make or break your business. Choose to make the needed investment for your company in the beginning so you can begin experiencing a true ROI.
Tips for Creating Workflows That “WOW” Your Customers

When it comes to workflows, you either love them or you hate them. But whether you’re a fan or not, something we can all agree upon is their importance when it comes to nurturing a lead through the funnel of conversion.
Structuring An Inbound Marketing Campaign For The Vacation Rental Industry

As with any campaign – you must structure it first. As the meme says, “One does not simply do Inbound Marketing. One must structure it first.”
Setting a Goal For Your Inbound Marketing Campaign

You have created your personas and are getting excited about setting goals . Every property manager/ owner sets benchmarks every year right? You don’t simply say, I want to make more money. You start each year by saying “I want to increase my sales by X% from last year. I want to increase my reservations by x% and make my owners smile x% more than last year.” Right?
Personas for Vacation Rental Inbound Marketing Campaign

Try not to be too excited about constructing your vacation rental inbound marketing campaign. That’s a mouth full, isn’t it? Before you get ahead of yourself, I wanted to take a minute and discuss personas with you. If you don’t have this lined up correctly, you could be wasting a whole lot of time! Nobody wants to do that.
4 Tips to Designing a Killer Landing Page for Your Inbound Marketing Campaign

Learn how to create landing pages your users will love using these four tips. Each tip includes a real example landing page to illustrate each idea.
Thoughts to Ponder for Your Next Inbound Marketing Campaign

Inbound marketing has flipped the advertising world upside-down. The traditional ways of tracking down a customer and convincing them to buy are tactics of the past. With the growing trend of content marketing, search engine optimization, branding, and social media marketing it is imperative for businesses to understand how to develop their inbound marketing campaign.