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Thoughts to Ponder for Your Next Inbound Marketing Campaign
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Inbound marketing has flipped the advertising world upside-down. The traditional ways of tracking down a customer and convincing them to buy are tactics of the past. With the growing trend of content marketing, search engine optimization, branding, and social media marketing it is imperative for businesses to understand how to develop their inbound marketing campaign.

As you learn more about inbound marketing, we have some thoughts for you to consider:

Keep it personable and personal:

You want to draw those customers closer to you. Address them directly and keep the issues relevant to what they want to know. Give away your knowledge. They’ll appreciate the candor and sincerity. Talk to them like they’re already close friends. You’ll develop a loyal following, which is your goal.

Post often but don’t be annoying:

Keep your content interesting. It doesn’t always have to be you promoting about what a great product you offer. Is it national coffee day? Post a celebratory meme. Provide them with a smile. Let them know about your latest blog. They’re going to remember how you made them feel and that will keep you in the forefront of their minds. Stay in front of them, but not constantly in their face. Don’t blow up their news feeds with ads. They’ll either block or ignore you. Be persistent without being pushy.

Urgent calls to action:

Make those offers available for a limited time or for a limited amount of people. If your customers think they can do it later, it will get put off and then most likely, forgotten. Give first, ask for something in return later. Customers are much more likely to say “yes” when they’ve already received something complimentary from you.

Do your research:

Know who your potential buyers are. What’s their daily schedule like? Will you get the most responses and interaction first thing in the morning or the last half of the business day? Develop that inbound marketing campaign around your buyers’ personas and potential buyers’ habits. Don’t shoot arrows blindly into the dark. Find out what’s going to be your best action plan. Schedule your campaigns with precision. It will pay off in actions and rewards.  

Be reciprocal and encourage sharing:

It’s okay to ask your social media followers to share your posts, just be sure your posts are attractive and share-worthy. Return the favor. Retweet and share posts you enjoy from your followers. You want to build relationships and obtain followers. Delight them with useful, witty content. Network by interacting with your followers and following industry leaders on social media platforms. People like helping people that have helped them. Build that circle of trust.

The focus of consumers’ attention has changed. With so many media platforms vying for their attention, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. The right inbound marketing campaign will change that by drawing customers TO you. With the right content, you’re able to attract them like bees to honey. They won’t be able to stay away. Develop those buyer personas. Get to know your clientele. Court them. Provide value to your customers. Give them access to free tools, advice, and content. They’ll return the favor by giving you business, engagement on social media, and recommendations to their peers. You’ll be on your way to a successful inbound marketing campaign in no time.

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