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The Best Times to Send Your Marketing Emails [Research-Backed]
a person typing on a laptop with the words the best times to send your marketing emails

You may think the most important aspect of your email marketing campaign is the content of your emails. While content is the substance of each email, it’s practically useless if it does not reach your audience when they are willing or available to receive it.

Email is a lifeline between you and your customer, and it is important to optimize that relationship by serving your customers with your content at the best possible time for them. There are strategies and tools out there that can help you save time, money and provide your audience with the content they need when they need it.

When is the Best Time to Send an Email?

Knowing the right days and times to deliver content via email is a crucial part of success in your email campaigns.  Every business will have different peak times to send emails. While there is no magic hour for you to send emails, it is important to know your audience and the time ranges of when they are engaging with their emails. For example, if your customer works a 9-5 job, you will want to target them outside of those hours.

Captevrix suggests that if you’re sending emails that include a sale or promotion, try sending them during the times your audience tends to take their lunch breaks.

There are a few other factors to consider when determining the best time to send your emails: Click-through rate, click-to-open rate, and open rate.

  • Click-through rate (CTR) is the number of people who open a link or image in an email.
  • Click-to-open rate (CTOR) is the number of people that opened your email compared to the number that clicked on any links.
  • Open rate (OR) is the percentage found from the number of subscribers who opened your email campaign.

Forbes’ research on the best time to send marketing emails resulted in some interesting finds.  “Our data shows there’s a significant difference in the days and times when people most often open emails versus when they actually interact with the content in the newsletters”. Their findings concluded that the most popular days and times for opening emails are weekdays around mid-morning.  While as on weekends, people tend to interact with their emails more and click on the content and offers within emails.

It is important to remember that knowing your buyer persona’s daily schedule will be crucial in determining the best time to send your emails. Collecting and analyzing the data for your company’s CTRs, CTORs and ORs would be a great investment in time as it will inform you if your current email marketing strategy is reaching your audience at the right times for them.

This leads into the idea of A/B testing, which is the process of comparing two different versions of an email / marketing strategy with a goal of determining which performs better with your audience. This is a great tool for businesses and marketers and can be highly beneficial when trying out new emails or strategies. It eliminates the fear of trying a new email marketing strategy and the risk of it flopping completely. A/B testing should be constantly experimented with until you find the best techniques that result in the highest CTR’s, CTOR’s and OR’s for your business!

How Can Automated Emails Help Me?

If you haven’t harnessed the power of automation yet, now is the time!

Automating your email campaigns gives you the power to improve sales conversions by leading customers through a predetermined system of emails, scheduled to trigger at times and days of your choice. Recent studies have shown that automating your email campaigns can result in a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead.

The world of automation is the future of email marketing and works hand-in-hand with the concept of strategically timed emails fit for your customer.

Emailing marketing can be tricky, and sometimes falls short on a business owner’s list of priorities. Inbound marketing companies like Captevrix can take that stress away and will curate and maintain automated email campaigns to drive traffic to your company, giving you time to focus on other aspects of your business!

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