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Should The Hospitality Industry Use Pinterest?
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If you haven’t noticed, I tend to write blogs about questions I either get from prospective clients, current clients or things I have heard from them that are not best practices.

This past weekend, we had an inquiry on our social media asking if they should be using Pinterest as part of their social media strategy. The short answer is yes, but let’s dive in a little more. First thing I always ask, is “What is your industry?” and of course I follow up with, “What is your end goal?” The wrong answer is, “Make more money.” You have to have a strategic goal that gets you to your “make more money” goal. If that makes absolutely no sense to you, then stop reading and call me now.

When it comes to the hospitality industry, folks love visual aspirations. Whether you have a video of the ocean lapping on the beach, a virtual tour of one your rentals, or pictures of your favorite dishes, these visuals will leave your potential guests wanting more. With that very statement, why wouldn’t you want to use Pinterest?

Now I know what you might be thinking, “I do all this on Facebook, why do I have to do it again on Pinterest.” One simple answer, Yes, you always need SEO juice. Pinterest allows you to give a credible backlink to your website. But be careful, make sure your link mimics that of the category that you put your board in. You don’t always want it to go to your homepage. Here’s an example. Let’s say you are a resort that not only specializes in dream vacations, but you also conduct some amazing weddings at your resort. If you are “pinning” about weddings, ensure your backlink goes to the wedding page on your website and not your home page. Google will thank you for it.

Just like other social media platforms, Pinterest is also searchable by the almighty search engines. It’s one more place for your guests to find you. Again, I ask, “Why not?” Another great reason is that the hospitality industry is primarily searched by women; guess who holds the user market on Pinterest? You guessed it: women. Yes, it takes time and thought, but everything about your business and its strategy takes time and thought. Trust me this is one more you will want to add this to your social media strategy.

Another question that usually follows this after you bite the bullet and agree you need to use Pinterest for your business, is “How often do I have to pin?” Just like your other social media, you want to pin on a regular basis, but make sure that pin is social media worthy. Don’t get sloppy and just pin anything or the same picture of the beach over and over again. That will get you nowhere.

So there you have it – Happy Pinning!

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