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Dos & Don’ts of Inbound Marketing For Your Vacation Rental Company
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Today’s marketers no longer rely on traditional methods of outbound marketing to reach prospective customers. Many of those methods are being ignored. That is why vacation rental companies, such as yours, should flip your focus to inbound marketing and earn your potential customer’s attention rather than demand it. Inbound Marketing is all about adding value to your audience. Provide valuable information through case studies, guides, blogs or videos, and generate awareness.

If your Vacation Rental Management Company has decided to incorporate the Inbound Marketing Methodology into their marketing strategy, here is a list of dos and don’ts to lead you to a successful inbound marketing strategy.

DO Incorporate the 80/20 Rule

As I mentioned before, prospective customers are looking for valuable information. It is your job as an inbound marketer for your vacation rental company to provide this information, as well as try to sell your services. So how do you achieve both? Strive to make 80% of your content strategy about sharing non-promotional content and 20% to promote the wonderful things that set your service apart. You will find that audiences will stay in the conversation longer instead of moving on right away.

DON’T Forget About the 80/20 Rule

You had to of seen this one coming! It is very important to remember NOT to talk about yourself/service the majority of the time. That will bore your audience and eventually they will tune you out. If you are struggling to get your audience to engage with you, maybe it is because your conversation is totally one-sided. Talk about what is important to your audience and reach out to them. You are trying to engage your audience, and talking about yourself nonstop can push them away.

DO Include Keywords in your Content

Help maximize your online presence by using keywords in your unique content. Using keywords strategically helps search engines pick up your content online. It is also important to add internal links throughout your blog posts that go to other landing pages. This helps draw users deeper into your site.

DON’T Over do it on the Keywords

Make sure your content sounds natural. Always have your audience’s best interest in mind when writing. Be strategic with your keywords. Here is a simple tip: try to think of your keyword as a topic when writing, and you will see it naturally appear in your writing. Use keywords only a handful of times, don’t be too repetitive with them.

DO Personalize your emails

Using an Inbound Marketing platform makes personalizing the recipient’s name very simple. This easy step makes your email marketing communication more relevant and interesting to the reader. And once you’ve developed your buyer personas, you can take this a step further by personalizing content and offers that you send to your audience.

DON’T Send out an email without a second pair of eyes

There is nothing worse than sending out an email with a missing graphic, broken link or grammar error. Sure, we are all human and overlook things now and again. That is why it is important to also have a second pair of eyes review your emails before sending.

Hopefully these few dos & don’ts of Inbound Marketing for your vacation rental company will help you develop a marketing strategy that will produce the results you desire. And of course, if you need more advice or guidance we are only an email, or phone call, away.


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