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3 Tips on Writing your First Blog Post
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So you’re new to blogging. You have decided to jump on the blog train because you want to gain trust from your readers and generate leads. Blogging is a great tool to employ to capture the attention of your audience. So grab your laptop and get those creative juices flowing.  Scroll through these  three tips on writing your first blog post and get motivated to write your heart out.

  • Start with an idea:  As this may seem like a no brainer, it sometimes poses to be quite the challenge coming up with good ideas that your readers will want to read and engage with. Ideas can be generated many ways. It helps to have a topic in mind, as well as a working title to get you started. Just keep in mind that your blog should be educational. If you are having trouble coming up with a blog topic start by using keywords. Keywords will help you write about topics that are relevant to your industry and the audience you want to attract and be found. I usually start with a pen and paper to get me inspired by jotting down ideas. However, typing out ideas may work better for you. Also asking your buyer persona what they want to read about or what they need help with is a good idea. Going to the source to know what problems your reader is curious about can spark great ideas for blog content. Also collaborating with your co-workers on idea generation can give you a new perspective and help get you started on having many awesome blog ideas to start building up your post library.
  • Promote: Even though the majority of your post should focus on educating your readers and giving them valuable information, you can also promote on the blog page with the use of CTAs, forms, and social media. Having CTAs on your blog post can help push your readers further into the buyer’s journey, getting them one step closer to becoming a lead. You can be creative in your offerings. Just make sure they are eye catching and add value. Doing so makes you stand out as an expert in your industry. Forms are useful in turning visitors into leads as well. They can be used to get visitors to your blog, subscribe to your blog or sign up for your offer, thus collecting the visitor’s information, pushing them towards becoming a lead. You can also leverage your blog content through social media by sharing your blog posts on your different social channels. Doing so gives your blog more exposure and with the goal of obtaining more reads.
  • Stay on task: If you are anything like me, then you have a hard time staying focused long enough to finish one task at a time. You jump back and forth. Even as I’m typing this I am tempted to go back and forth between tasks. However, it is good to get your ideas out before going back to another task. Even though I am sure you have trained yourself to be a master at multitasking, but for these blog posts try to stay on task until it is completed. Doing this will help you generate more posts so that you can regularly publish and promote new content.

You are now ready to write your first blog post. Once you create your first blog post using these three tips you will be on your way to creating a load of engaging posts that will generate traffic and turn visitors into leads. Check out our other blog posts full of tips and tricks to help you with creating and promoting your content.

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