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Snackable Content and How to Create It
a poster with different types of food on it

Snackable content is content that is short, sweet, and sharable. This concept has been around for a while, however it is still relevant in today’s fast paced world. People, by nature, will scroll past things that do not grab their attention. Snackable content isn’t just content that is trimmed down. According to Social Media Week it is content that it designed for quick, easy, on-the-go consumption. It is easy to see when scanning, and easy to share or retweet in just seconds.

But how do you create snackable content?

As stated in our snappy definition, content that is snackable must be short, sweet, and shareable.

  • Short. Give your audience a quick little piece of content. It is short enough that when someone is scrolling they can receive the message you are trying to convey in just mere seconds.
  • Sweet. Your content is sweet when it adds value to your audience. It is pointless to create a piece of content that has no value for your audience. The value it adds doesn’t always have to be the same. With one piece of snackable content you could be aiming to add value by inspiring your audience or making them laugh. In another message the value added could be educating them by giving them a little tip or piece of advice.
  • Shareable. If it is visually pleasing then it is shareable. As many of you may already know, posts with relevant images get more engagement. Facebook posts with pictures get approximately 2.3 times more engagement than those that don’t have a relevant image. And tweets with images get 150% more retweets than those without images.

We hope this inspires you to start cooking up some snackable content of your own. Just remember to keep it short, sweet, and snackable. Make it a quick read that adds value to your audience with a relevant visual. It’s the perfect recipe for the perfect snack to share.

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