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Measuring Your ROI of an Influencer Marketing Campaign

a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk

Influencer marketing campaigns are one of the top ways to market your brand. Research shows that consumers – especially millennials – trust influencer marketing more than traditional ads and trust their favorite influencers almost as much as recommendations from friends and family. But partnering with an influencer can be tricky, especially when you’re attempting to track the data from an influencer marketing campaign.

How to Create a Twitter Content Strategy

a red sign that says how to create a twitterr content strategy

Because of the real-time nature and character limits per post, Twitter can often have a casual, off-the-cuff feel. It may seem that most Twitter users come up with their posts on the spot and post incredible content as the inspiration strikes. But that is definitely not the case. In order to create impactful content on Twitter, you need a content strategy. Creating a great content strategy for Twitter requires some planning in advance but will be well worth it in the long run.

Hashtags on LinkedIn: Do They Work?

the words hashtags on linkedin do they work?

Have you been on LinkedIn lately and wondered about the use of hashtags? Maybe you are new to LinkedIn, and you need some help with getting more exposure for yourself or your company, but do not know what would help to generate that extra needed boost.

How to use Facebook for Business Marketing

a facebook logo with the words how to use facebook for business marketing

Just about every business has a Facebook page these days, but most businesses are not using their Facebook effectively to drum up business. There is far more to Facebook marketing than simply paying top dollar to have your posts boosted to the public. Here are a few of the things you should be doing to make the most of your Facebook marketing efforts.

How to Maximize your Twitter Exposure

a microphone with the words how to minimize your twitter exposure

Twitter is a great social media platform to connect with your audiences. But sometimes it can seem like your Tweets are getting sent into the void and aren’t connecting with enough people. These simple tips will help you increase your reach and influence on Twitter and make the most out of every Tweet.

How To Use Influencer Marketing To Drive Business

a hand is pointing at a computer screen with the words how to use influence marketing to drive

If you don’t already know, Influencer Marketing works. Promoting your service or product through a blogger, social media user or influential person who has a noteworthy following paired with substantial engagement is a great way to maximize exposure.

Make Your Marketing Easier With These Brain Storming Tools

a brain with the words make your marketing easier with these brain storming tools

When it comes to content creation, coming up with solid ideas can be a challenge. The whole marketing team needs to work together to create a vision for your campaign, and there needs to be plenty of runway to expand on the idea long term. If your current marketing meetings are falling short, there are a few tools you can be using to increase communication and cooperation, while also providing you with inspiration and organization along the way.