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How to use Facebook for Business Marketing
a facebook logo with the words how to use facebook for business marketing

Just about every business has a Facebook page these days, but most businesses are not using their Facebook effectively to drum up business. There is far more to Facebook marketing than simply paying top dollar to have your posts boosted to the public. Here are a few of the things you should be doing to make the most of your Facebook marketing efforts.

Practice Good SEO

We are so used to talking about SEO in blogs and webpages that some people don’t even think about using good SEO practices on their Facebook pages. However, an optimized Facebook page will take you right to the top of Google search results if you do a good job. In addition, it will provide users with more ways to search for your brand via Facebook’s built-in search bar.

Use the Right Profile Photo

For most companies, a logo is the best possible profile photo to use. This image will appear next to every one of your posts and comments. If you want to build brand recognition, having your logo out there is key. Less commonly we see companies using pictures of their products in their profile photo, but only when the product is instantly recognizable to the public.

Nail the ‘About Us’ Section

The About Us section on Facebook is really the best shot you have to pack your page full of keywords. You don’t want it to be sloppy though, so make sure you post a thoughtful description of what your company does, where you’re located, and anything else that will help people identify you and want to follow your page.

Don’t Forget Calls-to-Action

Facebook has many tools for inserting calls-to-action throughout your page. For instance, you can add a “Call Now” button at the top of your page, or you can invite people to message you. These features are built directly into the page itself, but that’s not where the fun stops. You should also be adding calls-to-action to each of your posts, and even into your images so that users can click through to your promotion.

Focus on Quality over Quantity

Of all the social media platforms out there today, Facebook is one of the slower-moving ones. While Twitter is known for being very fast-paced, Facebook uses a different algorithm to build user timelines. If you are posting dozens of times per day, you are more likely to get blocked than followed.

Post 1-2 times per day instead and focus on making the posts high-quality so that they are more likely to be shared. The more the post is shared, the more it will appear in other timelines. You don’t have to keep posting over and over to stay at the top. While we’re here, we should also mention that you should always be looking at your Facebook analytics to determine your prime time for posting your posts. Each industry is different, and each brand is different.

Follow Up on Your Metrics

Facebook has a number of analysis tools built in for businesses as well. Make sure that you are checking in frequently to see how your posts are performing. Take note of the most successful posts and determine why some of your other posts did not succeed. Focus on setting goals for engagement and click throughs so that you can curate content that really gets to the heart of your customers.

Respond Quickly

You’ve put all this work into making your Facebook page successful, and now customers are coming to you in droves. You need to have someone manning the phone or the messenger to respond to queries quickly. Facebook tracks your response times and lets customers know what to expect from you. Even using a simple automated response can help boost your customer service rankings.

These are just a few tips for how to maximize your Facebook potential and start seeing real ROI in no time. If you have questions just ask any of us here at Captevrix and we’ll be more than happy to help guide you.

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