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Hashtags on LinkedIn: Do They Work?
the words hashtags on linkedin do they work?

Have you been on LinkedIn lately and wondered about the use of hashtags? Maybe you are new to LinkedIn, and you need some help with getting more exposure for yourself or your company, but do not know what would help to generate that extra needed boost.

With the use of hashtags, you can accomplish much more than you ever thought was possible. Connecting information with others on LinkedIn is more effortless than most people may think.

Increasing Your Presence with Hashtags

There are many ways that you will be able to boost your presence on LinkedIn just by adding at least a few well-picked hashtags, whether it is for personal or your business. One of the things to remember when adding hashtags is that LinkedIn is for professional use, so you need to remember to keep hashtags to a minimum.

For you to be successful in using hashtags, you must first figure out the type of audience that you are wanting or needing to attract. Knowing your targeted audience should not be too hard for those that are using LinkedIn for their business, but it can be a bit tricker for those that are posting for themselves.

Three Key Benefits of Hashtags

Multiply Your Followers – Making sure that you tap into well-used hashtag topics or words in the field on which you have interest or knowledge; postings will add onto posts that are popular on the subject. Once you have established your brand, your followers should expand. An example of getting your posts added exposure would be to use:

How effective is #LinkedIn for employers?

By using #LinkedIn, it will post not only on your news feed, but it will show up on LinkedIn’s news feed as well as others news feeds that have the word LinkedIn listed in their posts and searches.

Generate More Leads – Using correct hashtags and regular postings on your page will help keep you noticed. The more that you utilize the right vital hashtags, as well as being knowledgeable about your experience or business and sharing that with others, the more followers you can have. Which adds up to more leads you can follow up.

Building Your Influence – It takes time, energy and persistence to reach this level – but the benefits are well worth it in the end. Constructing your influence can have a significant impact on others and can show that you are a knowledgeable leader in your industry.

Key Hashtag Places

Some of the critical places to post hashtags at are:

  • On Your Status Updates – by posting a few key hashtags, you will be able to link your information with others who are talking about the same topics, or who are in the same industry. They, in turn, will be able to find your posts and up the views on your account. The more you interact with others, the higher the chances of increasing your presence.
  • Commenting on Other’s Posts – when you can contribute sound advice or information that is relevant to others, using hashtags can make you more visible.
  • LinkedIn Videos – video posts are an easy way to bring added traffic to your page. A strategically placed hashtag in the content can draw attention that will be able to lead others right to your page and increase your followers.
  • Articles – when posting hashtags you can help those that are interested in the subject that you are talking about discovering more about that subject. It will also help your article to have a broader reader base because the hashtags will link others to your article.

Tracking Hashtags

There are ways to see the usefulness of hashtags, by going to sites such as Hashtagify that research what keywords are being used the most across all of the social media sites. Many of these sites can show details on the words that are used most within your demographic target. They help with finding just the right words to use with your matched audience. With the use of hashtag research sites, you will not have to use your own time to research. You will be able to start your hashtag postings on LinkedIn in the forward motion.

Do They Work

If you decide to incorporate hashtags on LinkedIn and you follow the right steps in using them, you can obtain excellent results for you or your business. The use of hashtags not only can boost your image on LinkedIn but over all of the social media outlets such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and your Google ranking.

Once you know:

Who your target audience is

What your subject matter is

Why you are hashtagging keywords

The where is easy – #LinkedIn

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