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How Can Canva Help My Marketing?

a person sitting on a couch using a laptop computer

Not everyone has the budget for a graphic designer or cost of using Adobe Creative Suite. But most can afford Canva, and with a little luck, create some amazing designs for their small business.

The Psychology of Color in Marketing Strategy: A Palette for Success

a multicolored background with small speckles

In the world of marketing, every choice matters, and color is no exception. Colors are not just visually appealing; they hold a significant psychological influence over consumers. Understanding the psychology of color can be a powerful tool in creating an effective marketing strategy. In this blog, we’ll explore how color affects marketing strategy and dive […]

Boosting Your Brand With Instagram Ads

a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk

Getting in front of your audience is important to the success of your business. Having and using a business Instagram account is a great way to reach and connect with your audience. We’ve talked before about how important it is to have a solid content strategy.

Tech Companies That Understand the Importance of Brand Awareness

three hands holding up pink letters that spell out the word tech

When you’re building relationships – business or personal – you know that it takes both a good first impression and sustained positive contact for the relationship to be a success. You can’t simply rely on one meeting to sustain an entire relationship.

How Customer Service Strengthens Your Brand

a phone and headset on a table with the words how customer service straightens your brand

Have you ever walked into a store unsure of what you’re looking for and gotten help from each person you came across? If you have, you’ve probably left the store feeling relieved not just because you got what you were looking for but because the people inside took care of you. You may have even […]

10 Tips for Making a Good Brand Even Better

the words 10 tips for making a good brand even better

Your brand is how the world sees you. It’s not just your logo and your company name – it’s the values, ideas, and experiences that people associate with you any time they interact with your company. That’s why it’s so important to regularly evaluate your brand and make sure that it’s all that it can be.

How to Use Instagram to Successfully Build your Brand

the instagram logo with the words how to use instagram to successfully build your brand

Your brand is your message to the world about who you are. But outside of actually producing the product or service you provide, knowing how to effectively communicate that to your audience can be difficult. This is especially true when you’re trying to communicate your brand through social media.

What the Typography

the words what the typography mean?

Whether you’re working on a document that will be showcased online or printed from that ancient inkjet on your desk, something to be projected in a big screen at the AGM or rolled off a huge four-color press, every document you’ve worked to design or write has one thing in common: typography. Designers and press geeks will use a whole slew of words to do with typesetting that may leave you mystified, but today, our team is ready to give you a crash course in all things typographic so you can better understand both what they’re on about, and how you can make suggestions for improving content in the future.

How To Resonate With Millennial Guests

two women with their arms in the air

Millennials have the most influential shopping power of any generation before them. Spending over $200 billion a year, this generation also has bragging rights of being the largest populated generation. When concerning their purchasing, Millennials prioritize educating themselves and making informed decisions. This involves research, reviews, and recommendations.

Building Your Brand in the Vacation Rental and Hotel Industry

a hand is holding the door handle to a hotel room

With internet use ever growing, the vacation rental and hotel industry has become part of a growing trend in use of inbound marketing. Building your brand is one of the most important marketing tools you can utilize to stand out amongst your competitors. Your brand must speak to your guests and the people in their lives who influence their decisions.