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Why You Should Be Blogging for Your Resort

a woman sitting on a bed using a laptop computer

Blogging. It sounds so easy, but as a resort manager I’m sure you can think of a hundred other things you could be doing besides blogging. However, did you know that blogging can actually help you increase your bookings? It’s a simple idea really, but often not done because of time constraints or because there is a lack of understanding of the true power blogging can have on your resort.

3 Ways to Become the Authority for your Resort Location

three seashells on the beach with text that reads 3 ways to become the authority for your resort


Building trust is key when becoming the authority for your resort location. Giving your guests valuable content, using language they understand, and getting them to take steps in the right direction to becoming the authority of your resort location. A great place to begin is to assess how easily your guests can find you and how you can make it even easier for them to find you. Here are three ways you can increase your chances of being found and becoming the authority of your resort location: