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Why Social Media is Like Corralling a Herd of Chihuahuas?
a group of dogs standing on top of a lush green field

As most business owners know, social media isn’t going anywhere. In fact it’s a crucial part of your business. Consumers like to know that they can speak to a business representative without pressing “1” or holding for long periods of time, or going through the maze of being transferred to the correct person.

Today, the consumer can simply go to your website and see if you are on social media or better yet, search for you on their favorite social media channel. Best Buy has proven time and time again that social media keeps their customers happy and coming back again and again due to the simple fact that their answers, problems and praise are addressed instantly via social media.

Social Media

So if Social Media is so great, why would I refer to it as corralling a herd of Chihuahuas?  Anyone in the online industry knows all too well that it is constantly changing–everything from new review sites to how the sites are used. Just like handling the Chihuahuas, the task is doable, but it takes vigilance, patience and constant adjustments to maintain the path of your goal.

Social Media isn’t just about putting up a cute picture and saying come buy my stuff. It’s about being active and keeping up with the various rules of each platform. Yes, there are rules that you have to abide by or your brand could suffer serious consequences. For example, Facebook changed their rules about how contests can be held on a brand’s page almost daily.

Managing your brand’s social media means that you have to be ready for any and all changes that come your way. Let’s say, you started on Google Plus as soon as it came out. You even did your homework and followed either the directions Google gave you to set up your brand, or you followed the directions of your favorite e-book or webinar. Then one day, you look at your page and lo and behold it has completely changed. You even discover you have more than one Google Plus page and now you discovered you have a new YouTube account! You ask yourself, “How did that happen?!”  Did you know that you can actually contact Google now to get it fixed?

As a business owner you take pride in how you present your business, whether it be your business cards, website or customer service. Isn’t it about time for you to take a look at your social media presence?

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