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5 Ways To Increase Your Facebook Reach
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Have you noticed that with the recent changed to Facebook, your reach has declined when you are looking at your insights?

How are you going to get your message in front of more people?

First things first….remember, people are looking for entertainment and will skip the advertisements (of course, without trust being built around your brand).  As Facebook winds itself into an everyday term, (heck, I think I hear the word “Facebook” more than anything else in my house anymore) it provides a great way for you to reach your audience.  Today, over 57% of ALL American adults have Facebook and 64% of those are daily users!  It goes without saying, you can reach your audience, there is just a lot of competition out there.  Follow these tips and watch your reach increase.

In this post, I’ll show you 5 ways to improve your Facebook reach.

Let’s start out by doing a little thinking into what we are doing.  We are trying to get our brand and/or company in front of the millions of daily Facebook users, right? Simple enough, right (sarcasm).

To do this we have to figure out a way to compete with all of the “noise” in peoples’ feeds.  We need to attract those fans’ attention so that we are seen.

The biggest mistake we see with businesses is that they want the immediate results and they want that fast sale. Remember, social media is all about brand awareness initially.  Don’t expect to be closing sales on Facebook, while it happens, it’s not standard.  Let’s focus on “entertaining” our customers and building trust in our company.  Posting self-serving updates is overly used.  Heck, we’ve been guilty of it sometimes too!  Let’s thinks about the post..

#1 Create Fun Only Posts

The main reason people visit Facebook is to be entertained!  Don’t forget this when preparing what you are going to say.  Think outside of the box here.  Think about what your potential customers want to see.  They don’t always want to see “come buy from me” or “I have something for sale”.  Create fun and entertaining posts around your company or brand, but at the same time, don’t be afraid to post things totally unrelated.  This shows you are human and builds trust between you and the customer.


#2 Use Incentive Based Posts

We absolutely love these.  Create something that offers the reader something to download.  For example, get a free copy of our latest guide, whitepaper, infographic.



While this one is #3 on our list, it is the MOST important of all.  Just got a little sidetracked in the order I was putting these together for you.  Facebook, well, any social media user has been proven time and time again to be visually compelled.  Facebook even recognizes this and gives more credit to posts with images.  Always see if you can find a related image to post with your message. This will surely increase visibility and reach.

Facebook Post with Images

#4 Listen to and Respond to Comments

I can’t stress this one enough.  Social Media is all about engaging with people.  It’s not a billboard to advertise on.  You are building a community based around your brand or company.  When you do respond, others see you are active and this is a great place to reach you.  Also, when you respond, that fan receives a notification and they ultimately revisit your page.  This increases visits which directly correlates to your reach.

You can turn on threaded comments in a few easy steps:

  • Go to your page and click Edit.
  • Choose Edit Settings.
  • Find the Replies heading in the list and click Edit.
  • Click Allow Replies to Comments on My Page.
  • Click Save Changes.

#5 Boost Previous Performing Updates

We always look to maximize our budgets when it comes to anything.  There are a lot of ways to spend your advertising money.  Facebook Ads offer you the option to “Boost” posts that are already doing good.  This is a way of checking to see how the post is doing before spending any money pushing it out more.

Comments on Facebook and Boosting Posts


Take-Away:   The best ratio to think of when creating posts for your company or brand is the 80/20 rule.  80% of your posts are fun, entertaining, not sales-y, and not about you.  Use the other 20% to talk about you, your company or your brand.  Don’t forget to mention others too!  The idea is for your company to be sharing info.  It may not be yours directly, but share others too!  Sharing is caring!

If you didn’t get to see it, we answered the top 10 questions we receive from clients here


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