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Jacksonville Marketing For Attorneys Shifting To Inbound
a sign that says blogs, email marketing, and social media

If you were just in a meeting about marketing your Jacksonville law firm and have come across this piece as the result of plugging “inbound marketing” into your friendly neighborhood search engine, stop hunting for answers and let us explain what all the fuss is about so you can make an informed decision on marketing your Jacksonville practice.

Why Switch to Inbound Marketing

There’s so much to keep up with when it comes to online marketing, a new buzzword here and there is easy to miss: Inbound marketing is the term professionals are using to describe marketing activities that help potential clients to find you easily at the point of need. Simply think of inbound marketing as a trail of breadcrumbs that leads customers to your door without you having to actively rope them in and drag them over the threshold.

The key reasons savvy attorneys marketing in Jacksonville are shifting their efforts toward inbound campaigns is that inbound marketing really is simple:

  • It’s easily absorbed into other tasks around the office;
  • Can be scheduled months ahead and automated with little ongoing effort;
  • And, best of all, inbound marketing provides a boost to your law firm’s already stellar reputation as experts in a specialist field.

This is because inbound marketing gives your firm an active, authoritative voice online, even at two in the morning.

Helpful Solutions for Busy Firms

While inbound marketing is fairly painless, it does still require a bit of someone’s time – which is why there are scores of Jacksonville marketing solutions for attorneys. But how do you find an agency that’s right for helping your specific firm? As with so many things, it’s a matter of professional preferences and finding a provider whose image and mission speaks to your firm’s own ethos. We’ve put together this quick hit list for you to consider when reviewing the details of potential marketing service providers to help you narrow the field.

  • Qualifications matter – consider the background of the prospective account handler as well as their staff carefully, those with a background in journalism are likely to provide tighter, more articulate content for your Jacksonville firm’s inbound marketing campaign
  • Local culture counts – a specialist in Jacksonville marketing for attorneys has a distinct edge over an inbound marketing specialist in another market pitching for your business. A firm with their roots in your area knows how to communicate with the potential and existing clients right there in your backyard, those most likely to need – and engage – your services.
  • Strategic advantages – attorneys marketing in Jacksonville need providers with vision, and their proposals should include multiple phases, a variety of levels of engagement, and metrics that can be used to help your inbound marketing campaign evolve over time.
  • Picture perfect presentations – just as you wouldn’t take on a new partner just because you liked his tie, you shouldn’t plump for an inbound marketing service bureau purely because they’ve got a flashy website. Dig deeper: consider whether the nice website was neatly laced with engaging content; whether their contact with you and your colleagues meet your expectations; evaluate their methods for engaging your interest and consider how well these match with your own needs, and whether their pitch to your firm includes new ideas or the same old tricks in a shiny new box.

The objective is finding a marketing partner that lessens the load for in-house staff, allowing them to focus on their own calendars. We hope this crash course in marketing for attorneys in Jacksonville gets you off to a good start. You can find 10 more reasons to adopt inbound marketing strategies here.

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