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HubSpot Has Done It Again- More Free Tools
a wooden sign that says tools for marketing

Many marketers like myself have not only heard of HubSpot but are probably using it right now. Yes, we use Hubspot every day and our clients do too. Why? Because it’s pretty awesome and it is  a marketer’s dream. One of the cool things is that their trials are fantastic! Ever heard of the bed in the box, Nectar? No? How about Dreamcloud? These are the mattresses that solved a problem by allowing you to test their mattresses for a year!!! If you don’t like it, no problem, you get your money back. I’ll explain why I used this analogy in a bit.

For a while now Hubspot has allowed many companies to test drive their CRM. Like the ever-popular bed in a box mattresses, there are limitations. The free CRM allows you to house as many contacts as you need, it just doesn’t allow you to track all the coolest data you get when you use the entire system. Well, they have made this free tool even BETTER!

Today they released an addition to their free CRM. Now you can manage up to $1000 in Google, Facebook or LinkedIn ads. I don’t know about you, but managing these ads in their native portal can be a slight nightmare. Oi Vey! But WAIT, it gets better!!!!!! Can you say FREE Email Marketing?

Yes folks, they are now allowing you to send up to 2,000 emails a month!!! Pair that with your CRM, and you can really start crafting your strategy. Of course, me being the marketer that I am, I would have to have more, but for those that are getting their feet wet, this is pure gold!

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty excited about what they are doing here.

No more taking it for a test drive for 2 weeks or however long some of the platforms let you test their software; this is testing at your own pace. I don’t know about you, but every time someone gives me a trial period, I always get slammed with things to do, and then I have to make a decision without ever getting to fully try it out.

This is where the analogy of the bed in the box comes in. Most of them give you a 120 day trial period. Is that really enough time to try out a bed? Or if you go to a mattress store, which I won’t name any here, because that just isn’t fair, you have to decide within a few minutes if this is the bed you like, right? No testing it out at all, you buy it, you keep it.

So along comes Nectar and Brentwood mattresses to name a few (the first two that came to mind) and they decided you need to really be able to try it out. After all, they are very confident in their product and they say, “We will give you a 365-day trial, and if you don’t like it, we’ll give you your money back.” If you don’t know if it is the right one for you by then, then I just don’t know what to tell you.

So Hubspot has done the same. They are giving you the core tools for you to get your marketing on the right track. Free CRM, Free ad management up to $1000 (even a great product has to add a few limitations) -and of course one thing everyone loves to do and that is email marketing. Up to 2,000 emails a month! Pretty snazzy deal if you ask me.

Plus the tools are easy to use. Not to pick on blondes, but I will because I am one…I am blond and I am in the older spectrum of marketers and I am able to work the system with ease!!! So what’s the catch?

In my opinion, there isn’t one. If you are not at the point that you need the full gamut of the software, no harm no foul, but if you are, then that is when folks like me want to talk to you about an upgrade. Just like when you bought your first car, right? It got you from point A to point B on most days, but once you were making a big girl or big boy paycheck, it was time to get a car with automatic windows and a gas light that truly worked, aka an upgrade.

Tell me what you think about this latest offer from Hubspot? And if you are ready to take it for a spin, I will do the hospitable thing and give you a tracking link right here. 🙂

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