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Evergreen Tips for Email Marketing
a person typing on a laptop with the words evergreen tips for email marketing

If you read a lot of my posts, you can tell that I love to tell you how to do things or talk about some hot topics. Recently we helped promote a local event called Sip and Savor Jax. We have had the chance to talk to a lot of restaurant owners as well as some general managers of local hotels. Why am I telling you this? Because they are what sparked this post. They all had a common question, “What are some of our best practices for email marketing?”

With that said, I’m going to talk about some best practices that don’t go out of style and some email marketing trends that should not be ignored.


Think about your target audience. Our research has shown that when marketing B2B they respond better when your email marketing communication is lacking photos. Whereas, B2C email marketing communications perform far better when you include attractive photos or graphics. Knowing your audience is a key part of a successful inbound marketing campaign.


I can’t stress enough how important personalization is when conducting a successful email marketing campaign. Most consumers know that emails that are sent to them are automated, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have to get personal. Take that extra step and get personal with your customers and make that email stand out.

A Catchy Title

Half the battle is getting your customers to open your email. Think about what would truly catch your attention. Here’s a little secret and one of the many reasons our clients stay with us for years. One of our clients was struggling with their open rate as well as their conversion rate. I asked them to trust me and let me be the marketer and creative person that I am. I knew that most of their customers were female travelers and since I happen to be a female that loves to travel, I had a home field advantage. So what did I do? I created a rumor campaign. The rest of the story can be revealed by a phone call. I’m proud to say that email marketing client turned into a full inbound client and we’ve been working together for over three years now.

Call To Action

You always want some sort of CTA unless you are wishing them a Merry Christmas or a joyful Fourth of July. Suggestive CTAs are to learn more as you introduce a blog, make a reservation, download a guide… the choices are endless.

Don’t be Salesy

We know you want that sale, but today’s marketing is more about relationships and trust than it is about “buy me, buy me.” Also, mix it up. You don’t always have to have a Call To Action that gets you that reservation. Show them that every time they hear from you doesn’t mean you want a reservation. Tell them Happy Thanksgiving or give them tips about the latest events in your area. Being informative can go a long way!

These are just a few things that we think about when working on our clients’ emails. Try them out and see how it works for you. Remember, don’t worry about your open rate, worry about your click-thru rate and watch for those conversions.

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