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7 Tips To Come Up With That Amazing Blog Idea
a cartoon character is washing his hands in the shower

You have been told, the best way to improve your SEO is to create content by blogging, right?  Easier said than done, we know!  Sometimes it’s hard to come up with that unique and interesting content to drive traffic to your site.  Take a look at these blog and content tips and they’ll help you come up with that perfect post!

Content creation encompasses everything you create on the web, but what we hear is the most troublesome is blogging.   We find that a lot of people just give up when they can’t decide or figure out what to write on.  Keep looking, keep writing, keep answering questions and you’ll be successful online.

A few steps we use when trying to figure out what to write about are detailed below; feel free to use them and start writing those awesome blogs!

Coming Up With Ideas To Write About

1. Use Google Autocomplete

Type a search term in google and watch it start to autocomplete.  Using one of these terms as a start for that more refined long-tail keyword or idea may be a perfect start. This is a popular go to when trying to think go a capturing blog title.

2. Just browse the internet

If you are just stuck and can’t come up with something to write about, browse around.  Look at your social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.  What are people talking about?  What are they asking about?  What are they interested in?  These would be great things to write about!

3. Evernote

Evernote is a great tool to use to jot your ideas down when they come to you.  Inevitably, they will pop in your head when you are least expecting it and when you are doing something else.  Make a note of the ideas when you can and revisit those ideas when it’s time to write.

4. Get Naked – Take a Shower

This is one of the best blog tips! You may laugh at this one, but how many times have you been taking a shower, separating yourself from the work environment and, voila, a great idea pops into your head.  Usually the best ideas come to you when you’re least expecting it!

5. Ask your sales team

Your sales team can provide you with questions they receive regularly.  Remember, if 2 people ask the question, another 100 wanted to know as well, they just didn’t ask.  This is another great way to come up with content tips.

6. RSS feeds

Create a group of RSS feeds in a reader like Feedly.  Fill it with news from other sites about your industry and monitor it.  This is a great place to “news-jack” information and make it your own.

7. Basecamp

We love basecamp and it’s great for the team to discuss ideas back and forth.  While we do pay for this, there is a free version available too.  The best part of basecamp is they have mobile apps too.  When that great idea pops into your head while you are at the grocery store, make a note of it to revisit later.

Now, what are you waiting for?  Start coming up with those ideas and get that great content you’ll be writing out there today!  Have your idea already? Check out this blog on designing your post.

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