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2017 Marketing Trends To Watch
people working on papers with the words 2017 marketing trends

Looking back on 2016, I think we can all agree that it brought major changes to the marketing world. But the changes won’t end when we enter into 2017, we can expect marketing trends to continue to evolve. Let’s take a look at some of the trends we can look forward to in 2017.

1. Live Platforms

Live platforms such as Periscope, Meerkat, and Facebook Live have started to change the way brands engage with consumers. This trend is still new and has the potential to take off in 2017 and impact the way content is distributed online. Personally, I love this trend. I think it’s a great way to show consumers exactly what is happening in real time. Whether you use this platform to live-stream an event or announce a new product, it gives a personal touch that otherwise couldn’t be achieved. We can expect to see a lot more of this in 2017 with the recent releases of Twitter Live and Instagram Live features.

2. Increase in Online Marketing

Although online marketing isn’t a new trend, it’s something we can expect to see even more of in 2017 as consumers continue to be apart of this digital world. Today’s consumers spend their time online more than ever and that’s only going to continue to increase. Something new we can expect is the increase of influencer outreach. More and more you can expect to see companies using online influencers with a large following to promote products. This is because consumers are looking towards these influencers as thought leaders and trendsetters, and therefore trust their recommendations.

3. Mobile First Strategy

Mobile content is the future. As internet traffic is increasingly coming from mobile devices, it’s important that you are catering your content and overall online experience to mobile users. Rather than just optimizing your content for mobile users, you’re going to want to focus on how you can integrate your content for today’s on the go lifestyle.

4. Interactive Content

As online content continues to evolve, something that we expect to be seeing more of is interactive features. When you think about it, this trend is the natural next step for online content. You’ve already attracted consumers with your content, now you want to give them an enjoyable experience. Incorporating interactive features to your content gives readers a chance to participate, rather than just passively consume. Assessments and quizzes, polls, surveys, infographics, and contests are all popular types of interactive content.

5. Native Advertising

Viewers and consumers are getting smarter and catching on to the tricks of advertising, which is making it harder to catch their attention and gain their trust. The idea behind native advertising is to find a way to integrate your advertisements into a content style that will provide significance to viewers. There is no one specific way to achieve this, as there are different types of consumers for different products. Focus on how you can seamlessly incorporate these ads into the everyday life of your audience.  

As these trends continue to influence the marketing world, we can expect big things to happen this year. We are looking forward to see what 2017 brings.

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