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Why you should be using Responsive Emails

a woman wearing glasses looking at her cell phone

Woman looking at phone

To begin, I just wanted to let you know that email isn’t a dead form of communication. As a matter of fact it has become more popular as people now continually get emails straight to their smart phones, tablets, and laptops with ease, no matter where they are or what they are doing.

Don’t Worry if your Email isn’t Opened Every Time

a man sitting in front of a laptop computer


As a property manager I’m sure you are crazy busy. So when you send an email you want to see that people are opening it. However, worrying about the open rate won’t help you improve your resort email campaigns.

Open rate should be the least of your worries when you know you are sending the right email to the right people at the right time. If you are doing this then not only will your open rate improve but also your click rate, which is an important metric for measuring engagement.  So what should you worry about when using email marketing for your vacation rental property? You should concern yourself on sending the right email and the rest will follow.

5 Reasons a Marketing Plan for Your Drone Company is Essential

a small plane flying over a city with the words 5 reasons a marketing plan for your drone company is

drone marketing planWhile a business marketing plan for your UAV/ drone company cannot guarantee success, it can make the difference between success and failure. Basically, a well-researched marketing plan can help turn your drone business into a “purple cow,” according to Seth Godin, a famous American entrepreneur, marketer, author, and public speaker.

How LinkedIn Works Best With Trade Shows

a sign that says hello my name is we're connected

How many times have you signed up for a trade show in hopes of collecting hundreds or thousands of emails? Probably 100% of the time. Unfortunately most trade shows don’t release emails, but they do release names of participants and their titles.

5 Email Marketing Tips For Builders

an envelope with a red light coming out of it

Email marketing has pushed through the pack and is now one of the most important yet least expensive, marketing tools available to both residential and commercial builders.