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Unlocking the Power of Magnetic Email Campaigns: Strategies for Engaging Audiences

a person holding a cell phone in front of a laptop

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one thing remains constant: the effectiveness of email campaigns. However, not all emails are created equal. Some effortlessly capture recipients’ attention, while others sink into the abyss of unread messages. The secret lies in crafting magnetic email campaigns that not only stand out but also engage and resonate […]

8 Things to Check Before Hitting Send on Your Marketing Email

an e - mail button on a computer keyboard

Clicking “send” on that big marketing email can make you sweat a little. Once you hit that magic button, it’s off to the races. Your message is being delivered to hundreds or thousands of people. You hope that everything is right when they receive it – otherwise, you just wasted time, money, and their attention. Not to mention it’s embarrassing!

Why Do People Read Blogs?

a person typing on a laptop surrounded by flowers

With the constantly developing marketing trends, Google’s incredibly dynamic algorithms, and the changes in how people seek information, you may wonder – do people still search for and read blogs?

How to Blog the Right Way

a person typing on a laptop with the words how to blog the right way

At Captevrix we work with a lot of interns that may not understand the basics of blogging. This sparked my idea, as I know that our clients may not understand the anatomy of a blog either –  but they don’t have to, it’s why they have us. I’m going to share with you the current dos and don’ts of blogging. Do keep in mind, the anatomy of any digital marketing platform changes all the time. As of right this moment, this is the right way to blog.

The Best Times to Send Your Marketing Emails [Research-Backed]

a person typing on a laptop with the words the best times to send your marketing emails

You may think the most important aspect of your email marketing campaign is the content of your emails. While content is the substance of each email, it’s practically useless if it does not reach your audience when they are willing or available to receive it. 

3 Must-Do’s For Instagram

a person's hand with the text 3 must do's for instagram

It’s a go-to social media platform for so many creative businesses, entrepreneurs, photographers and everyday people. Let’s harness Instagram’s powerful ability to boost your brand, social media performance and visibility. As with all social media marketing Instagram has a set of its own strategies, so here is a basic outline of 3 absolute must-do’s for Instagram to supercharge your business.

Creating an Instagram Content Strategy

the words creating an instagramm content strategy

Content is king on all social media sites, but on Instagram, there are extra layers to making sure your content really pops. The highly visual and laid-back nature of this platform creates both unique challenges and opportunities as you craft your content strategy for Instagram.

E-mail Marketing 101 [And How It Can Help Your Business]

a person holding a small envelope over a laptop

E-mail marketing continues to be an integral part of marketing strategy, especially when utilizing methods of demand generation. The reason it holds its strength is its personal approach – by delivering relevant content into your customer’s world, you invite them into yours. 

What is a Content Marketing Plan?

a person typing on a keyboard with the words content marketing plan

You know creating content is essential to your inbound marketing strategy. Do you have a plan for the creation, delivery, and management of your content to optimize its effectiveness? Like puzzle pieces, individual content needs to fit with the content around it to reach its full potential and complete the image you’re working to create for your business.